The peak of B-29 Argosari Lumajang
The Peak of B-29 Argosari Lumajang | Among the tourist destinations of Mount Bromo you need to visit is B-29 Summit. B-29 Argosari is one the highest peaks in Bromo at 2.900 meters. Located on the southeast side of Mount Bromo, beautiful scenery and cool air with stretch of typical highland plants that make this area very charming. Located in the village of Argosari, Senduro district about 40 Km from Lumajang city.
To get there, adrenaline is constantly challenged. The road is winding along the slope of Mount Semeru from Senduro district, about 25 kilometers from Lumajang City. From Senduro, you have to take the route to the countryside until it reaches Argosari Village Road. There, you will walk to Peak of B-29.
"The peak of B-29 in Argosari Village'', Senduro District, is the highest peak in the area of sea of sand in Mount Bromo from Lumajang route. The height reaches 2900 meters which is about 40 kilometers from Lumajang City. The tourism area of Argosari presents a beautiful natural tourism. Several plantation of vegetable such as onion, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and chilli make the veiw fascinating.On the top of B-29 there are two spectacular views of the Argosari plantation area which form the Mahameru mountain range with the peak of Semeru and the bromo sand sea caldera with thick clouds. both of sunrise and sunset also become the main tourist attraction. If you take a chance to visit this Summit of B-29 from Lumajang, don't forget to bring your camera because the panorama is beautiful.
After watching the beautiful panorama of B-29 peak, you can also continue to other object destinations. Among them, there are waterfalls, climbing tours in Ranupane towards the summit of Semeru and other various tourist destinations.
Outdoor tourism like this is perfect for young people who have an adventurous spirit, family, and even small children. Some people stand a tent there for several days just to se the beauty of Its phanorama.
This tour is still newly heard among domestic and foreign tourists. The access to this tourism place is very easy by using cars and motorcycles. the distance is 40 Km from Lumajang. it takes about 2 hours drive.From the city, take the direction towards Senduro then turn left towards Kandangtepus and follow the road up to Argosari Village. After arrived at parking area you can continue using an extra motorcycle or walk and hike about 2 hours to the top of B-29. In the rainy season tourists are advised not to bring motorbikes to the top because the road is slippery and dangerous.
Other Tour Package Combination :
Crater, Blue Fire and Sulfur in Mount Ijen
Milky Way For Photography in Kumbolo Lake
Mount Bromo Midnight Tour
Mt Bromo Ijen Crater Tour 3 Days
Mount Bromo Milky Way Tour 2 Days
Mount Semeru Climbing Package 4 Days
Mount Bromo, Madakaripura Waterfall tour 2 days
Semeru Trekking Mt Bromo Tour Package 4 Days
Mt Bromo Camping Tour Package 2 Days
Semeru Climb, Mount Bromo, Waterfall Tour 5 Days
A bit explanation of Information Route to The Peak of B-29 Argosari Lumajang may be useful for you. for other information about touris places in east java and Its Tour Packages, bromo tour package, semeru trekking tour and ijen crater tour please contact us.